
A forefront in the local tankering and petroleum barging industry, Magsaysay Shipping and Logistics spearheaded the introduction of modern and IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) classed tankers in the country during the late 1980’s.


Islas Tanker Seatransport Corporation is a long-time tanker provider in servicing the petroleum transport requirements of the oil majors nationwide. We also service our customers with tanker barges in the country’s key waterways, rivers and shallow ports.

We fully conform to all statutory requirements and concerns on the protection of the people, cargo, and the environment as well as comply with the current local and international regulations in tankering and petroleum barging, namely the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), MARPOL (Marine Pollution) 73/78, International Safety Management (ISM) certification for complying with the ISM code as prescribed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) certification.

Islas Tankers Seatransport is proudly IS0 9001:2008 certified.